New Membership will reopen on March 15th 2025
9:00am at the Skeet House

We will resume the following schedule in April

New Member meetings are held at the following times

1st & 3rd Saturday of the month - 9:00 a.m.

2nd Monday of the month - 6:00 -p.m.

New member meetings are held at the Skeet Field Club House (see aerial map on our Home Page)- You can join right at these meetings - we accept cash or check for memberships.  All you need to bring is a valid Driver's License or Photo ID. No reservations are required.

We have a mandatory new member meeting to join which includes a safety briefing and also gives you information about all of the contact people at the club. Meetings generally take 20-30 minutes. All applications are handed out at the meeting. 

Membership types offered and rates are:


Family (Inclusive of Spouse/Domestic Partner, Children under the age of 18 and Full Time students ages 18-23 - all must reside at same address) - $170

      *A one-time $25.00 Initiation Fee will be added to all rates

*We offer a Senior Discount (65+), Active Military (must bring Military ID) and Full Time Students (must provide proof of enrollment on school letterhead)

Ask about our 3 year memberships!

Any questions please contact the membership committee at